Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Save your money so that people don't make stupid choices

Image result for Banks taking your money\     People all around the world go to the bank to receive money like a loan or some sort of magnet. Where do they get all of this money from you and your bank accounts the bank is a big system take and give. They make profit from interest which is a portion of the money loaned to give thanks for the actual loan.Given that you an have either low or high interest rate. This all depends on your credit and records of how you have manged to pay back other loans or if you haven't. This means that a loan can also be rejected or denied due to your past history. With other statements and investors and investors are people who loan money to others out of their pocket.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Kenya Leading the World in Mobile Money
       When this statement reached the world every one was amazed because Kenya's is a very economically poop country so for people their to even own a cell phone is luxury.To many but then again how many people live in Kenya millions their isn't an exact number. So 25%  of Kenyan people use it around 17,000,000 Kenyan's. M-Pesa was started in 2007 by safari-com. They have over 40,000 employees to assist Mesa mobiles.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Image result for images of mickey mouse       Mickey mouses retirement was devastating to everyone and it has news that everyone supported.But there are always those who don't there are literally people protesting about this news.In my opinion it is devastating that all those to children wont get to see him like i did. Because i know that this was a very entertaining show for when i was a child .The show has been around since 1948 and they get so much profit from. so why would they cancel the show. They say that it is because the rating are about to lower because of all the competition. This has been AVHS INFORMER out.

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

                                LL COOL J
Image result for Images of ll cool j
         LL cool J is a wrapper who for some reason stop selling album records.Many people say that he stopped because of a comment that he said when performing about slapping his mom.That afterwards he was hated and for this reason he stopped producing. But is back at it and says that he is starting next year .Yet none of this wouldn't have been able without the help of Sony.But one thing I don't understand is why Sony is interested in a wrapper .A wrapper who cant even rhyme his lyric.Also hated what makes them think that  he is suddenly going to be liked.In my opinion I would never hire him but Sony may know what they are doing this has been AVHS INFORMER out.

Image result for Images of ll cool j

Thursday, October 8, 2015

                         DADDY YANKEE
       Daddy Yankee is known as the father of reggeaton. He is Puerto Rican and not only has a music career but he is an actor, does  charity's, and business ventures.He has made many movies in English and also Latin. One went viral because it was based on him.It was based on what he did as a living and how he had money.Daddy Yankee was a gang or cartel member who won a lot of money and because of that he got into becoming one of the most know artist out there.Daddy Yankee has then basically quit his music career and everything else.This ahs been AVHS informer out peace.

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                                          TOM WUJEC/HOW TO               MAKE TOAST?
          Although it seems strange at first reading these words the concept is very true.The concept is that when you draw out the process you can find big problem or big ideas.It surprised me at first because he is such an intelligent person but it took intelligence to find this surprising idea.Because we can probably find many different problems we have in today's society and also ideas in today's world.My thoughts on this statement are still dismissing because I really don't know what to think about them.Only because it seems so stupid in my opinion but for others its different this has been AVHS informer out.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

                                                               MAYA PENN

Image result for how old is maya pennMaya Penn is a young girl with many talents in my opinion because she is just simply not scared to take risks.As in she is a designer, cartoonist and entrepreneur.In my opinion that is just amazing i mean how can  a little girl do so many things at such a young age. Oh by the way Maya is now 15 yeas old and she started her company at the age of 8 years old.I actually wonder how because when does she have time to study for school and just live a life of a child. If she always has to do this or that for her clothing line and such.Me personally i would not do this cause you only have one child hood and your gonna waist it at the age of 8 cause that's what i think she is doing. but i mean if she likes it then go ahead.that what i have to say about that this has been AVHS in former and i'm out.